July 2016 – An Economic and Market Update

AN ECONOMIC AND MARKET UPDATE Quarterly Market Update – July 2016   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY   Surprise and uncertainty resulting from a series of political and cultural events taking place i.e. The Brexit, global terrorism in Nice, France and political instability in Turkey. We have reason for optimism for a successful United Kingdom exit of the … Continued

Every Summer Has a Story – Announcing the AIF® credential

EVERY SUMMER HAS A STORY Announcing the AIF® credential – July 2016 “And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby … Continued

Life Insurance Review

LIFE INSURANCE: A NECESSARY CONVERSATION Your Reason in Focus – May 2016 Life insurance is an interesting topic. Not interesting like watching a rocket land upright after re-entering Earth’s atmosphere interesting. But certainly on par with a National Geographic Special on the Lifecycle of the Snail. The difficult part of life insurance is two-fold, talking … Continued

April 2016 – An Economic and Market Update

An Economic and Market Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 1st quarter of 2016 presented investors with an initial period of sharp market drawdowns followed by steady recovery through the end of the quarter. The state of the labor market is a popular discussion topic for Presidential candidates with some sounding the alarm over low labor participation … Continued

First Quarter of 2016 – Snapshot of the Financial Markets

This report features world capital market performance and a timeline of events for the past quarter. It begins with a global overview, then features the returns of stock and bond asset classes in the US and international markets. The report also illustrates the performance of globally diversified portfolios and features a quarterly topic.

The Story of Your Life

We recently had one of those moments when life asks you to break away and take stock of that “fine mingling”. Our very own Steve Pollock welcomed a new addition to his family – a beautiful baby girl.

We came upon the following video at a conference this past year. It speaks to this moment and gives us reason to pause and reflect on the true purpose of life. We would like to share it with you now.

Estate Planning University

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” –           Benjamin Franklin Death and Taxes – As much as we do not like talking about the former we find the two guaranteed things in life are easily reviewed together. This quarter we want to bring your current estate plan to … Continued

January 2016 – An Economic and Market Update

  EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The domestically produced Oil Export Ban in force since 1975 was recently lifted allowing for U.S. oil to be sold and shipped internationally.[i] The Federal Reserve raised interest rates for the first time in nearly a decade with a symbolic move “off the bottom” by a quarter point. [ii] US dollar strength … Continued

2016 – Tax Update

Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 CONGRESS RENEWS TAX BREAKS IN YEAR-END LEGISLATION The Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 was signed into law on December 18, 2015. The law renews a long list of tax breaks known as “extenders” that have been expiring on an annual basis. This legislation makes … Continued

Introducing Matthew J. Anderson

Matthew J. Anderson Financial and Tax Adviser It is with great pleasure and professional satisfaction that we are able to assist individuals, families and businesses with their investment management, financial planning, tax planning and preparation needs. In doing so our purpose is to enable a lifetime of rational, informed and well-reasoned financial decisions. In our … Continued