July 2014 – An Economic and Market Update

The Second Quarter came to an end with the Dow Jones Industrial Average at 16,826.6. In the first few days of July the DJIA briefly entered 17,000+ territory for the first time in history. Not to be overshadowed by the stock market, the Unites States energy industry was officially named the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas liquids by the International Energy Agency, and the U.S. economy added 288,000 jobs in the Second Quarter.[i][ii]

April 2014 – An Economic and Market Update

Executive Summary   Unlike 2013, the Commodities and Real Estate sectors have been the best performers in the first quarter of 2014. Recent Market volatility has heightened public sensitivity to the potential of a decline in stock market values. Long term market trends seem to suggest long term flat markets lead to sustained bull market … Continued

January 2014 – An Economic and Market Update

The U.S. economy finished off 2013 mixed. With upward revisions to 3rd quarter Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 2.8% to 4.1% it was a strong start to the last half of the year. Early estimates of 2% growth for the 4th Quarter, however, suggest the expansion may have been slowing in the 4th quarter. The degree to which the government shutdown and inclement weather affected the economy will become clearer when official measurements of 4th Quarter GDP are released on January 30th.

Are You Rushing Into Retirement

In 2010 something happened for the first time ever, a majority of Americans claimed to be planning for an early retirement. According to a recent Gallop poll, that percentage has only increased. Early retirement is a right many workers have earned. However, it may not be the best option for a stress-free environment.

If your job is truly a grind, perhaps you’re counting the days until you can stay home. A job that takes a physical toll is clearly harder to maintain when early retirement is offered. Perhaps you have a new venture or some traveling planned for your free time.

October 2013 – An Economic and Market Update

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The economy appears to be slowing down. The most recent GDP growth rate is below both the GDP historic average and the GDP average since the recovery began in 2009 [i]. Housing has continued to perform well but interest rate increases may begin to slow demand [ii]. Domestic equity valuation measurements seem to … Continued

Data Protection and Identity Theft

The NSA has recently garnered headlines around the globe as a result of its covert data gathering program, PRISM. The existence of data gathering surprises very few people but the reality that OUR personal information is being stored is a bit jarring.

2013: 1st Quarter Update

The fourth quarter of 2012 provided investors a glimpse of how quickly the financial markets can react to any news, be it good or bad.

While several facets of the domestic economy appear to be strengthening, most notably housing, we are committed to our current conservative approach. Our concerns surrounding the global economy run the gamut – potentially overvalued stock market, lack of real economic recovery, and economic uncertainties within the European Economic Union and Middle East – domestic issues, however, are the real concern.

Alzheimer’s and the Financial Care of our Loved Ones

Helping aging loved ones to manage their finances can require a delicate touch, and a lot of empathy. As they enter their twilight years, simply checking in to make sure that bills and premiums are paid on time may be all that is needed.

However, with the onset of Alzheimer’s or other mental incapacity their affairs can become complicated, and advanced planning is something we should all consider.

A Mid-Quarter Update: June 2012

Throughout the month of May, the global financial markets have reacted strongly to the unresolved financial issues in the European Common Market and the continuing weakness in our domestic markets.

The political and economic instability in Greece could potentially result in Greece defaulting on their outstanding debt, and their withdrawal from the European Common Market and the Euro Zone. On the home front, Unemployment Data for the month of May was disappointing and may indicate a slowdown in our economic recovery.

We would like to share our insight about these events, its impact on a sustainable recovery, and a market perspective.

US Labor Market: Do workers meet the needs of Employers

The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (FRBSF) has been working to better understand how the current pace of the jobs recovery is affected by the mismatch between jobseekers’ skills and the needs of the employer. For Federal Reserve policymakers, skill mismatches will affect how quickly the labor market can recover from a recession, the rate of unemployment that the economy can sustain.

In November of 2011, the FRBSF held a conference, “Creating and Employing a Skilled Work Force: Challenges and Opportunities”, to examine workforce skills and their relationship to job openings. The findings, summarized for the public on this past April, suggest that good jobs are still available in growing sectors for workers of all skill levels.